Pen Knife

Pen Knife
Item# PK-1

Product Description

Want to have an advantage when coming into contact with an attacker without giving away your defense? If "yes" is the answer, then the pen knife is what you're looking for! The pen knife is a nifty self-defense item. It looks exactly like any regular pen, yet it conceals a useful self-defense item, a small and very sharp blade.


It's great for self defense, but also comes in handy as a utility item. Versatility is an accurate description of the penknife. The sharp little knife can serve as a letter opener, box cutter, and cutting small rope lines. Another great add on to this item is the pen actually works! Talk about "looking the part"!

The lightweight pen doesn't get in the way of everyday travels and is small enough to be taken with you on a trip to the store or on your way to work. In no way is it heavy or too large to carry. The small, compact, and lightweight frame is a great plus to this innovative item.

There is nothing difficult about the operation of this pen knife. It is easy to use as a pen and as a knife. The top is simple to pull off, revealing the knife, but safe enough to carry without accidentally hurting yourself. Its sturdy design prevents the penknife from being easily broken as well.

Pen Knife Pen Knives are actual pens that could save your life. They look like an ordinary pen, but feature a 2.13 inch blade that is revealed by pulling the pen apart. Pen knives come in Black, Silver, or Gold. Please specify preference when ordering pen knifes.