Fighting Mindset

Fighting Mindset

Product Description

This is the identical training that has saved the lives of cops and soldiers... and yet a lot of people are hoping you never discover it! Are You Finally Ready To Learn The "Top-Level" Handgun Skills That Can Save Your Life?

Everything you'll ever need to know about using a gun, from surviving combat firefights... to clearing a "hot" house (alone)... to dealing with hostage situations (even with your own family)! Everything... all revealed by the most respected "gunman" in the world today!

This is the most amazing weapons training ever offered to civilians... in fact, big-city SWAT team cops never get this kind of intense personal training. A few Special Forces soldiers get it -- the handful at the very top of the ranks. And some federal agents get it -- those guys who are trained to guard our nuclear plants. (That is now the most sensitive and dangerous job in the world -- the number one target of terrorists, with radioactive material more valuable than gold at risk.)

This kind of hyper-intense, hands-on training is RARE... and the fact that the famous Bennie Cooley has agreed to do it, personally, made this...

The Most Important Self-Defense Event Of The Century!

We'll brief you on Cooley in a second. It's a fascinating story... one that many top level cops, Special Forces soldiers and "combat level" federal agents already know by heart.

What you are about to witness isn't just some wannabe bootcamp for gun owners... but a sophisticated, "executive-level" training program where you'll learn, through watching personalized instruction by Cooley:

Incredibly-effective fighting techniques for defending yourself, your family and loved ones, and your home from intruders, attackers, streetfighters and muggers... and you'll learn these skills at a rapid pace that will astonish you! Simple defensive-offensive strategies for using your handgun to clear a house (alone), command multiple attackers to obey your orders, increase your personal security no matter where you are under threat, and avoid the gun-fighting mistakes nearly ALL civilians make in crisis situations that either get them shot (often with their own gun), humiliated or killed! (What you'll learn will instantly place you among the best-prepared, most-skilled and confident weapons experts in the world!) Expert "elite military-level" handgun shooting skills, taught by the most sought-after shooting expert on the planet! You couldn't reproduce this kind of training, as a civilian, for any amount of money on your own... it's simply not available. Bennie Cooley is a man with unheard-of respect among "insider" gun experts. But don't be scared off by the "class" of your instructor... because:

You don't need to be in shape at all. (Bennie trains women, older folks and even people with disabilities all the time; you don't need to be Rambo in order to handle a firearm with skill and mastery.) You don't need any previous training with weapons. You don't need any previous martial art training. (In fact, it may be better if you don't; so you won't have to "de-learn" any mistakes you may have picked up in the dojo.) In fact... you don't really need anything except your burning desire to learn from the best in the world all the inside secrets and mastery skills of using a gun in the most effective way for your self-defense! The training here is designed to activate your nervous system and instincts from the ground up until you are "primed" and ready for action... with no gray areas left unanswered, no single part of your training left un-honed, no detail of your survival left to chance.

That's because all training was performed under the direct, personal responsibility of Bennie Cooley himself. Bennie is currently a member of an elite federal anti-terrorism squad... his fellow agents are the best in the system. He has over 14 years of intense (and often deadly) experience in counter-terrorism and SWAT training -- including cross-training under "Red Level" status with Special Forces, the FBI, and other "in deep" operations. The SWAT guys love Cooley, because of his "over the top" expertise -- he won back-to-back championships during the '91 and '92 National SWAT Team Championships (earning him the coveted Excellence Award ). If you read any of the respected gun magazines, you'll have heard of Bennie Cooley. He's a two-time winner of the Soldier of Fortune 3-Gun World Championships... and the 1996 USPSA 3-Gun Limited National Champion -- which means he went against the best sharpshooters and gun experts in the world...

And Won Hands Down!

Cooley has trained every type of police, Special Forces and "black bag" federal agent in the US. When it comes to training for the "real thing", every professional "in the know" turns to Cooley and his team.

You'll learn how to clear hallways, rooms and stairs... in the "heat" of action. You'll also learn the correct way to turn a corner (into a room that's dark or full of unknown assailants) during "red alert" emergencies... plus how to conceal yourself (even when there doesn't seem to be any "cover" nearby).

And more: The proper grip, trigger control, target selection and "follow through" fundamentals of the most respected shooters in the world... Marksmanship secrets for stationary and moving targets... "Surgical" shooting skills (the exact "shooting while moving" skills the elite military agents learn!)... Tactical and "combat" shooting skills... Threat identification (instant decision-making skills at the "master's level")... How to reload under pressure (or in the dark, or while moving)... Plus, how to do instant "Spot Checks" of your own shooting, so you can identify and FIX any gun-jam or other problem instantly! And... more.

What you get in this package is 3 complete video tapes -- over 41/2 solid hours of intense training and insight into real combat skills you can learn quickly! These tapes were painstakingly edited from over 397 hours of raw footage taken during the seminar... so what you get is ONLY the "down and dirty" important stuff. All the "dead time" and repitition among attendees has been edited out. All the MEAT, all the secrets, and all the "hot" info is there for you in a super-condensed, easy-to-watch (and easy-to- master ) format.

A Complete And Total Course On Becoming A MASTER Of Your Weapon Under Any Condition!

Bennie Cooley has a reputation as the most respected trainer on the planet -- the man the elite soldiers and cops turn to for the skills that will save their lives in a firefight, and make them victorious in the most vicious fighting imaginable. Anyone with any military training, any special forces training, or any advanced security training will instantly recognize your new knowledge as something real and impressive!

That's about it. You can clearly see that this is the real thing, taught by real experts... giving you real tools you can use immediately to make your life, and the life of your family more secure, more confident... and more real.

DVD: Total Run Time: 4Hrs 30Mins ITEM # DVD-MINDSET